For ninety-nine dollars a year we're inviting the adventurous drinkers out there to taste more of what the world has brewing.
Each month we'll be hand-picking some of the best tasty beers from the US, NC and foreign breweries to surprise members with. Styles and formats will change, but we promise it will be well worth the price of the trip. It's an ever-evolving club so if you have any questions just ask!
Other perks include getting a plank on the wall behind our bar to put whatever you'd like on. This is your bottle shop, help us decorate!
When we get limited beers in, we'll send out an email and let you get first dibs on them. It's a common occurrence that we can only get 12 or 24 bottles of a given beer and we want to make sure our members are covered!
All WTB merch can be yours at cost. What that means is that what we pay is what you pay, you can't get a better deal than that.
Get it as a gift for a friend or loved one and they won't be disappointed. Perfect for those who like to explore, taste what's out there, and who can't make up their minds. Just the thing for anyone who likes surprises, but honestly, you won't be that surprised, it's going to be really great tasting beer.